[Abi95] Merry Christmas

Markus Walter walter at com4link.de
Don Dez 23 13:39:18 CET 2004

Hy Ladies and Gentlemen,
i wish you a merry merry christmas, lots of presents, much cheerfulness, and
a good flight into the year 2005.
 ; )  -- > 8 P
Best wishes and heartfull Greetz
Markus Walter
Burgfarrnbacherstr. 43
90513 Zirndorf
Mobil +49 (0172) 6759017
Fon +49 (0911) 6099682
Fax / SMS to Mail +49 (0941) 599280173
markus.w <mailto:markus.walter at com4link.de> alter at com4link.de
 <http://www.mind-flow.de/> www.mind-flow.de
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